tax compliance

For most touring performers, the US tax system is a labyrinth of confusion. In the last few years, the US tax authority (the IRS) has increasingly enforced tax withholding against foreign artists’ earning, putting pressure on artists, venues, festivals, and agents alike.

Everyone understands that when foreign performers earn money in the US, they usually owe US taxes on that income. Few people in the business, however, have a very good understanding of how much is owed, when it’s owed, and how to minimize what is owed, especially while the artist is still on the road.

Starting in January 2013, Tamizdat is doing its part to lighten this burden. Just as Tamizdat’s Visa Services has helped keep touring in the US viable and affordable, Tamizdat is helping foreign performing artists through the US tax system with clarity and efficiency. In collaboration with CWA Management, Tamizdat is helping streamline the US tax process for foreign performing artists.

What we do…

Clients seeking assistance with their US taxes should contact Harlan Levine, Harlan will streamline transitioning your case to our colleagues at CWA Management, who will lead you through the US tax process. With your permission, information that you have already submitted to Tamizdat for seeking visas will be forwarded to CWA Management, minimizing your work.

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What we charge…

Although CWA Management charges a range of reasonable fees for their services, Tamizdat charges no fee for helping you get started in the right direction, and for streamlining the process by forwarding your information to CWA Management.

What we don’t do…

Tamizdat is not a tax consultancy, does not have a CPA on staff, and can accept no liability for for your tax preparation.